Nuptial Flight in Honey Bees

F irst of all, let's know everything about the honey bee. The nest of honey bees is known as a beehive. The hive consists of 32-60 thousand individuals, showing a highly organized division of labour in the colony. Bees are polymorphic, consisting of three types of individuals (Castes) viz, Queen (female), Drone (male) and Worker (female). Comparison Between Worker, Drone and Queen Queen is the largest among the whole of the population in the hive and generally one per hive. If more than one is present, then as to know the capability to be one, the aspiring Queens fight with each other till only one is left so as to choose the strongest one. It is diploid and a fertile female with strong legs, walking on the comb. It feeds on Royal Jelly . A female will grow into a queen only if it is fed with royal jelly otherwise will be a future worker bee only. Sting is curved and modified as egg laying organ called ovipositor. Lays both fertilized and unfertilized eggs (1500-...